Discover What VAT Accounting Software Small Businesses Should Know About The HMRC introduced the flat rate scheme to minimise red tape for small business owners in relation to their VAT records. Businesses are eligible if they supply vatable goods and services and their turnover for the annum is expected to be £150k or less, net […]
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Discover what VAT Accounting Software Small Businesses Should Know About
by admin on October 16, 2012 in Accounting software, accounting software for small business owners, small business ac, small business accounting software
Budgeting techniques for small business owners
Budgeting techniques for small business owners Budgets are an important and useful tool for organisations. Enterprise level organisations invest heavily in financial planning and analysis departments. The small business owner may not require a full time budgeting team, however it is important for small business owners to invest some time and invest in their […]
by admin on May 2, 2012 in Uncategorized